Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

Part A.
1. The main idea of the selection is that the
b) circumcision ceremony marked the initiation of Xhosa boys into manhood.
2. The writer's purpose in the selection is to
d) explain the tradition associated with the circumcision ceremony and his experience undergoing it.

Part B.
1. In the Xhosa tradition, an uncircumcised male
b) has no rights to inherit, to marry, or to take a part in tribal rituals.
2.  Bathing in the cold river waters before the ceremony was intended to
b) purify them
3. Flinching or crying out during the circumcision ceremony was considered disgraceful behavior because it
d) caused disgrace to the entire family.
4. To symbolize the destruction of the young men's last links to childhood, the final step in the ritual was to
a) burn the seclusion lodges and everything in them.
5. Chief Meligqili, the main speaker of the day, warned the initiates that the promise of manhood was illusory and could never be fulfilled because black South Africans were
b) a conquered people with no control over their own destiny.

Part F.
1.  For Mandela and his peers, the camaraderie they experienced while undergoing the initiation ceremony was most enjoyable, especially when they performed the required exploit, which in the old days was more of a martial act than a practical joke.
2. It was considered unmanly, and a boy would be stigmatized if he flinched during the circumcision ceremony, the boys, clad only in blankets after being purified, were expected to accept the pain with bravery and stoicism.
3. For the initiates the period of quietude allowed them to prepare for the trials of manhood that lay in their future and to discard, both physically and symbolically, the remnants of their childhood.
4. Although in comparison to Justice's gifts of an entire herd, Mandela's relatively paltry gift of heifers and sheep nonetheless gave him a heady feeling; in addition, the chief's speech about the prospect of squandering illusory promises made to younger generations planted a seed that lay dormant for a time until he realized what lay in his future.

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