Thursday, March 7, 2013

How Mr. Dewey Decimal Saved My Life by Barbara Kingsolver

Part A.
1. The main idea of the selection is that
d) the writer made some discoveries about herself and about the outside world when she began reading books from her high school library.
2. Which of the following excerpts from the selection best identifies the writer's purpose?
c) "Now, with my adolescence behind me and my daughter's still ahead, I am nearly speechless with gratitude for the endurance and goodwill of librarians in an era that discourages reading in almost incomprehensible ways."

Part B.
1. Kingsolver writes that the school she attended, Nicholas County High School, at the end of the 60s was
a) poorly funded
2. According to the writer, the most important thing that teenagers in her town lacked was
d) entertainment
3. Which of the following does Kingsolver not mention as a way she compensated for her status as a "skinny,  unsought-after" girl?
a) She became a pregnant.
4. The books Kingsolver enjoyed reading most and learned from most were those that
c) let her live other people's lives.
5. For Kingsolver, censorship in this country - both in school libraries and in the scientific curriculum - is the result of deference to
b) the religious beliefs of a relatively small minority.

Part E.
1) The local council has decreed that the hospital should close.
2) She showed a lofty disregard for their objections.
3) It is difficult to discern any pattern in these figures.
4) The lecturer spoke so quietly that he was scarcely audible at the back of the hall.
5) There is no tangible evidence to support her claim.
6) I describe seeing Steven Gerrard’s play football as one of the transcendent moments of my life.
7) These new findings challenge the current dogma in the field.
8) He worked, apparently impervious to the heat.
9) She was a very placid child who slept all night and hardly ever cried.
10) Ignoring the avalanche warnings, the fatuous skiers continued on their course.

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