Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Refugee's Journey by K. Oanh Ha

Part A.
1. Here are four excerpts from the selection. Which best represents the central idea of the selection as a whole?
b) Now, after  a lifetime of embracing my assimilation into American life, I am travelling back in time to find out more about who we were before we were changed.
2. With respect to the main idea, the writer's purpose is to 
d) retrace her family's history before they became assimilated by revisiting the refugee camp, their way station between Vietnam and the United States.

Part B.
1. Ha states that her family's immigration experience was different from that of other immigrant families because her family
c) were forced to leave, making their exile more difficult to accept.
2. Ha's family was forced to leave Vietnam because
a) the communist government confiscated the assets of Vietnamese of Chinese descent and then expelled them.
3. In the refugee camp at Puala Bidong, Ha's mother was forced to sell her gold wedding necklace in order to obtain
b) shelter.
4. When the writer was growing up, she experienced a "hyphenated American life," meaning that she
d) looked Vietnamese but was really Americanized.
5. When Ha returned to the Malaysian island and the site of the refugee camp, she found
a) that nature had reclaimed it and that little of the camp was left.

Part E.
1. the scraggly shapes - ragged, unkempt
2. four harrowing pirate attacks - keenly disturbing, distressing
3. our forced exile is a scar - removal from one's country
4. our assimilation began - process of being absorbed, integrated
5. began expelling them - driving or forcing out
6. the boat exodus - mass departure, flight
7. a pilgrimage of sorts - journey to a sacred place, shrine
8. my past is receding - retreating, withdrawing
9. my mother taunted me - mocked, teased
10. after years of futilely trying - uselessly, in vain

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